Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Adventure's Beginning

 My adventure began at the Houston airport, when my Dad dropped me off at the terminal. This was my first time going to the airport all by myself, and I felt a little nervous that something could go wrong. Although I am dreading the 9 hour flight ahead of me, I am excited to embark on this journey without needing someone to help me along the way. Almost immediately upon entering the airport, I ran into Sophia, another student on the program with me! We were able to go through security together and found a place to sit, where I am now writing this blog post.

The main reason I chose to go on this program is because my family is German, so I have always thought that I might want to move to Germany after I graduate from A&M. However, I don't feel very confident in my German skills, so I hope that living with a host family and studying in Germany will allow me to grow more confident in my second language. Along with this, I want to try and make friends with other Germans my age, because so far the only German practice I've had is with my Mom and Oma.

Secondly, I have always known that I wanted to study abroad, even before I came to A&M. My parents met studying abroad, so you might say that it is literally in my genes to seek out this kind of adventure! While I have a vague idea of what is planned on this trip, I hope to have many diverse experiences, and meet as many new people as possible. 

Ts & Gs,


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