Sunday, May 28, 2023

Germany Week 1 Adventures

 Hey guys!! 

Happy one week in!!! I’m currently sitting on the ICE train back from Munich thinking about how much I have learned this week. 

Having gotten to Germany a week ago, I finally feel accustomed to the different time zone, using cash in the form of euros, and the sun setting at 9:30 every night. The biggest thing to get used to in my opinion was the public transportation. Before this my knowledge of public transport was limited to the 22 Excel Aggie bus. Similarly, Lila and I went to Munich this weekend, and on Friday trying to navigate all the train stops and changes made us unsure if we would ever actually get there because all the room for error. When we finally got there and saw our friends it was truly a miracle and we were so excited, and now we consider ourselves pros at the train.

Munich was such a cool city and the people there were so nice. They all loved that we were from Texas and wanted us to tell them all about America. I thought it was interesting most of the people we talked to had done an exchange year in high school in America so it was cool to hear their experience. My favorite part of the whole weekend was a mini Oktoberfest festival. We all dressed up in lederhosen and dirndls and ate pretzels and brautwurst, and drank beer. Munich was 10/10 everyone should go if they get the chance!! 

However, I am excited to go back to the much smaller and slow paced city of Bonn and continue learning about the history of medicine. My favorite thing we have learned so far is Tai chi whenever we finished it on Wednesday, I actually felt like I was floating, and I was so relaxed.

Looking into next week, I am so excited to go to the opera, Nordeney, begin learning pharmacology!

Thanks for reading!!!

-Ava Brown

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