Friday, May 25, 2018

What To Expect When You're Expecting

I'd like to think about traveling to study abroad in a similar way to expecting your first born child and all the questions to follow (from what I would assume...not from experience).

1.  The Anticipation
The days of arrival are filled with incredibly mixed emotions. You're equal parts nervous and excited, not knowing virtually any German doesn't help at all. You're packing. Probably way too much. But, you never really know what the circumstances will be so that justifies packing every shade of blue jeans, right?

2. The Ride There
Getting to the actual destination is full of stress and all of your family members are worried about the things you brought, or forgot to bring. It's hard to convince people that you have everything under control and that things will be just fine.

3. The Arrival
It's time. The moment you've been waiting for...will it be everything you thought it would be? You meet with everyone who's responsible for your safety and well being. You're going to have to trust the people you just met to guide you to what you need to do. For once, you're not in complete control of a situation and it's freaking you out just a little. You're wondering why all of these people are dressed funny.

4. The Adventure
After having some time to get used to the changes in your life, you finally get the hang of things. This new lifestyle isn't so scary, and it's different but a good different. You're meeting people you would never normally talk to due to this new situation. It's a good life, and you're content with all the new experiences you're going through.

While this not an exhaustive list of all the stages of travel, I'm hoping that I can resonate with this new chapter of my life. Except this time, my belly is filled with food...and not a baby.

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