Sunday, May 27, 2018

Here's to adventure

Well, here we go. We’re heading to Germany. I know I probably should have written this earlier, considering that I’m currently sitting in the airport terminal waiting to board my flight, but there’s no time like the present right? 
I have a hard time putting into words how excited I am. I’m about to board the plane and I still don’t know if I quite believe it. This opportunity is one that I have been looking forward to for a long time now, getting to experience a new place in this way. I am excited to go and to learn something new. I know the classes will Be interesting and I will learn there, but I am more excited to learn the kind of things that I can’t learn in a class room. The chance to interact with people in a different culture. To learn from their point of view. I want to be able to see the world through a new perspective. There are so many ways of looking at the world and it’s problems, it will be refreshing to get out of the typical American point of view for a while. 
One thing that I think will be interesting will be seeing how the medical system in Germany works. I know that we get to shadow some surgeries while we are there. I am interested to see how surgeries and protocols differ from the regulations that we have in the US. Medicine is not a perfect thing, there are always ways that it can be changed or improved. I am hoping that seeing how medicine is handled in s different country will help me form ideas of what I think the medical system should look like. Since it the field that I want to work in, I think it’s important to have a good grasp on the ways that it could function.
I am ready to try new things, see new places and experience a culture that is different than the one I grew up in. At this point I don’t know that I have any anxiety about the trip. I’m not nervous or scared- I’m just ready. 

If there is something I’m unsure about it about how much I packed. Even though I tried to consolidate what I brought on this trip, I think I over packed. I mean I just have one medium sized suitcase that still fit within normal airline weight limits, but I did have to sit on my suitcase this morning so that I could get it closed. Not willing to take anything out I’ve made a vow that I will wear everything that I brought at least once on this adventure so we will see how that turns out. Whatever the case I can’t wait till I land, till I get to spend time with some pretty fun people in a pretty cool place making some pretty amazing memories.
- Cassidy Carrasco

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