Saturday, May 26, 2018

Journey to Germany

As I finish packing, the feeling of excitement and nervousness sets in. My flight leaves in less than ten hours and the butterflies in my stomach are slowly growing. I have never traveled by myself before, let alone overseas. Going through customs, comprehending unfamiliar languages, trying to make connecting flights, and doing it all alone initially makes me very nervous. While all these things are a little nerve- racking, it is also exciting because at the end of the day, I know that I did it by myself and then I can start my journey in Germany. I cannot wait to get immersed into the culture. Getting to interact with locals and learn what they do in their everyday life is so exciting to me. One of the things I am looking forward to the most is going to Vienna and getting to go to the Classical music performance. I played in this genre of music for years so getting to hear it overseas and in such an amazing place sounds fantastic.

When I received the email from Dr. Wasser about this study abroad I immediately knew it was something I had to be a part of. The classes seemed interesting, and the overall experience sounded amazing. I am very excited to go and explore Europe and open a new chapter of my life. I expect to become familiar with the transportation, and being able to get around confidently. I want to become close with my host family and hope to learn a little German. I am so excited for my journey to start and cannot wait to be in Germany!!

Savana Wickman
 (My cat decided he wanted to go with me)

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