Sunday, May 27, 2018

Off On A New Adventure

Today I leave for Germany! I am very excited for this trip and to be able to study abroad in Germany. I’ve traveled to Europe a few times before to visit my dad’s family, but this time I am going to be able to travel to many different countries, take classes and live with a host family. I am thrilled to get an authentic German experience by living with a host family and by going to school in a neat town like Bonn. 
I chose this program because the courses seemed interesting and I knew I would be able to see many different European countries during the program as well. AlsoI am excited about all of the weekend trips and excursions as a class. 
During this summer, I expect to experience and encounter many different cultures, languages, lifestyles, and cuisines. I hope to learn about Europe and Germany specifically during this trip. I also hope to meet new people and become friends with the other students on the trip. 
I know that I will come back from this trip a different person. I think that I will have a bigger view of the world and the people in it. I believe that this summer is going to be extremely memorable and I am very eager to explore Europe! 
I am unbelievably excited to journey to Germany and to dive into the unique culture. I can’t wait to learn all that I can learn and see all that I can see during this once in a lifetime study abroad trip. 

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