On day 3 we fought off the rain and headed to the alchemy museum! I was fascinated to see the origin of chemistry and the different believes. The objects all looked like they were plucked from a sci-fi movie. I wish we could have taken pictures because the craft of some of the objects were unbelievable. Even though some of the past beliefs were far fetched is still is amazing how much they discovered for that time period and the equipment available. I found all the Chinese artifacts super interesting! Obviously I couldn't read anything on them but they looked so sophisticated and complex. We also sat and watched a chain reaction video that went on for 30 minutes. It was different because everything was chemistry based and had a lot of different reactions.
The Otto Bock Science Museum we visited had a very interesting history. The way our tour guide spoke about the past company Nazis influence was in a different attitude than we were use to hearing. He seemed to be in his 20's and called the history boring and spoke of it very casually. When it comes to the war I'm use to very apologetic German attitudes. I think with this generation of Germans they know they had no influence with the war and its in the past. Seeing all science and mechanics that goes into a prosthetic limbs was so cool! It just shows another field of medicine that can affect the everyday lives of people.
The tour of the hospital with the med student was one of the most interactive medical tours we've been on! I liked that the tour guide was someone our age going through medical school. The classes and exercises they have there are so unique. One of the classes I would have loved to take was the exercise where an actor pretends to be a patient in order to get ready for real life situations. Paisley and I acted out shocking a patient with the defibrillator machine, which was so fun and realistic. After we were done with all the tours, a small group of us braved the cold rain went to the pergamon museum. There we saw the gates of Babylon, the bust of Nefertiti, and so many other timeless artifacts.

I cant believe its time to leave Europe and all my new friends.. During free time we organized to get pictures, cards and a bottle of wine for Dr. Wasser, professor Waltz and Henning. It was just a small gesture to show them how grateful we all are for teaching us. For the goodbye dinner we went to a Moroccan restaurant for an amazing food experience. I have never been to a place where they wash your hands with rose infused water! The food was served in this huge intricate bowls and was to die for! We all just pasted plates around and had a great time. It finally hit when we all where taking pictures outside. I am so happy I got to go on this great journey with all these amazing people! As sad as it is, I am ready to take all my gained knowledge back to the states!

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