Thursday, July 06, 2017

Blog 7: Nordeney was Heaven

This weeks travel started rather early. 6am on a Monday. I was thankful I had a nice chill weekend because I think otherwise waking up would be near impossible. I was However seeing the smile of those axolotls made it more than worth it. That’s one of those experiences you would never would of thought of to do as an individual. I was beyond happy to meet the amazing little creatures though. For dinner Marissa, Bre, Anne-Marie and I walked around for more than an hour before eventually ending up at the same beer garden as the rest of our classmates. My 3 dinner companions were less than impressed with their food, but after my liter of beer I can definitely say I was having a pleasant dining experience. The weather was just about perfect too. I understand why they love to eat outside whenever they can. German summer weather is pretty perfect.

First thing in Norderney was to pick up our bikes. Man, I forgot how much I love to bike. I try to book on campus but I have an old crappy bike and its usually too hot and I end up sweating a bucket and a half by the end of a 15 min trip. I found myself at the front of the bike pack about 90% of the time, usually with only Juliette right in front of me. 
Its hard to capture in words the experience at the badehaus. I found the lecture before hand pretty interesting for the most part. I did feel guilty though because that room was so warm I just wanted to drift off to sleep. I was in the first group to do the mud treatment which means I had about an hour to explore. The steam room made me feel like a fish breathing in water. The 6 meter shower was actually quite terrifying at first, but once you got in it was like a warm back message. The sea salt room in the cave kinda made me feel like a corpse, but in a nice way? Without a doubt though my favorite downstairs pool was the warm bath with no ceiling. I just wanted to float there forever.  The actual mud experience was nothing like I expected. It wasn't nearly as awkward as I imagined, and in fact was a good warm up for more sauna-ing to come.                Afterwards I was so relaxed but I did have a slight headache, I should of headed the advice of doctor Wasser and made sure to properly hydrate. It turned out to all work out in the end though as there was a cute little place to eat right next tho the badehause. I got a paprika schnitzel and a grapefruit beer. Then I went to the conversation house and had some ostfresian tea. That definitely exceeded expectations. Later that night we went down to the beach and had a bonfire. It took about 20min to get started but after a lot of babysitting I can say it was a well worth it experience.   

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