Friday, July 14, 2017

Back in Bonn

It was hell getting back from London back to Bonn, missed flights, canceled trains and dealing with night buses. I made it back in one piece and it felt like coming back home after a long vacation. This was an exciting week because we got to observe surgeries and go to the zoo! Even though the scrubs were huge on me, I loved the feeling of being in them again. Me and Karen got placed in a room with anesthesiologist Nadia. She had great enthusiasm and explained everything to us. We watch a hip replacement on a 85 year old women. That was my first time watching a human surgery and it was so cool! I am good with blood so it never made me feel queasy or uneasy. The surgeons made sure to translate for us and made us feel included. I did think it was kind of crazy how they could be drilling into the bone then just stop and casually ask us a question about the US. We had a 5th year medical student in there observing with us. After the surgeries the med student, Felix, offered to show us around Bonn. He showed us the botanical gardens and hang out with us on the university lawn. it was interesting to hear the differences of medical school from an actual student.
The week went by so fast and before I knew it, it was our last couple days in Bonn. We headed to Cologne for the zoo! Going to the zoo is one of my favorite things to do so I had been looking forward to comparing the difference to an American zoo. Which wasn't really all that different, maybe it was a little smaller than the Houston zoo. The main reason we were there was to see the elephants so we had to move through the exhibits fast. As soon as we arrive to the elephants enclosure we are taken into the back where they prepare the meals. I felt so special getting to go in the back and having a private tour. I absolutely love elephants and this has been the closest I've have ever been to one.
For the last weekend I wanted to do something involving nature so we decided to go to Switzerland! I decided to take the train instead of flying with everyone. Which was as unglamorous as you would think a 7 hour train ride would be. After that long adventure I feel like I will never be nervous about traveling alone. Everything was fine till I had technical issues with buying my ticket so I had to buy it online. The online ticket didn't have a bar code on it so I was worried they wouldn't accept it but luckily they did. By the time I got onto the train I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. I knew I couldn't because I had my backpack and luggage with me and no one could watch out for me. half way there we were late to the station and missed the connecting train. I scrambled to find the next available connection, almost every train was going to make me an hour later. While trying to buy another ticket, the ticket machine I was at wasn't taking my card or my euros so I had to run to another one before the train got there. I made it on the train and the views were amazing. Although I was super tired, it was special to see the country side. When I finally get there everyone picked me in a car they had borrowed. It felt so nice to be back in a car, being able to go straight where we wanted. Our cabin was on top of this huge beautiful hill. We barbequed and made a little dinner with some groceries we bought. The next morning we headed out early to go hiking! We found the very peak of the mountain and sat up there and took pictures for awhile. The view on top of the mountain made that 7 hour ride all worth it. It was nice to get away from the city and explore the outdoors. We found a little river with small pools that were so cool looking. We would have jumped in but we didn't have time because we had to be at the airport.
With heavy hearts we left Switzerland and headed back to Bonn! On Sunday we had our last family dinner and said goodbye to the girls. The girls were sad and crying when we put it them to bed, which made leaving even harder. As goodbye gift our host mom got us Turkish glass eye's called the good eye, it represents the good eye watching out for evil. I am going to miss all this culture!

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