Wednesday, August 06, 2008

We're in..Berlin... ya like that rhyme?

Saying good bye to the Kloses was pretty difficult. A lot more difficult than I thought it would have been. I knew from the beginning that everything would be okay and no tears would be shed if our goodbyes were somewhat short, and if there was no hugging. Who was I kidding... there was a lot of hugs, and therefore, a lot of tears. Staying with them helped me adjust to Germany. They didn't replace my family, they just became apart of it and in only 4 weeks. It's silly for some... but I guess that's because I'm just not those some. I enjoyed all of my time with them. I learned and experienced so much during my stay with the Kloses, and I sure hope to see them one day. "Come back and visit," is thrown around a lot but I feel like I seldom take up the offer. And if the opportunity arises to see them again, I hope I take it.

Berlin has already been such an incredible experience. I really enjoyed the bike tour because it wasn't a typical city tour and we covered so much area in less time than if we were walking. It was nice to see everything Dr. Wasser and Stephanie have talked about in class. There is so much history in this town, and it is incredible to see how much of Berlin has changed, and how much of it has relatively stayed the same. Besides the historical landmarks such as the Berlin wall and the Brandenburg gate, Dr. Wasser took us to see a memorial for the Jews that died during experimentation. I believe that the architecture for this monument was perfect. I feel that there is so much interpretation left for the viewers, and that makes it such a strong, symbolic memorial.

Today was a wonderful day as well. We had the opportunity to visit the MDC for molecular medicine. Our first tour with ion channels was interesting because I once again applying my knowledge from physiology- voltage gated ion channels, sodium/potassium, nicotinic receptors, etc... everything was coming back! My favorite tour was after lunch when we got to visit the Surgical Research unit OP 2000. I was just blown away with the level of technology they have been working with and tweaking to make perfect. Their ideas are definitely going to be used someday and I can't wait to see it, and maybe use it!

As each day goes by I can't believe how close we are to the end of this program. It's been such a great experience for me. I look forward to going home and noticing the difference between where I am right now, and College Station. They seem to value everything that they have here and although I value much of everything as a working student, I can see I still take little things for granted.

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