Saturday, August 09, 2008

Back to Switzerland...

Pete and I in of the best weekends of my entire life. Favorite moments:
Stepping off train and for the first 20 minutes or so thinking where the hell are we? We had little or no planning when we left which ended up making it the best weekend of the trip.
Listening to to the accent of three guys we hung out with the first night...the South German accent that makes a 'kaahh' sound like they're trying to caugh something up.
Listening to Peter sing Mando Diao with Sandy, one of the guys from Zurich, and realizing how bazaar that two guys with completely different lives from completely different backgrounds could be so similar.
Jumping off the highest dam in the world in a lightning storm (that had calmed at the moment) and watching Peter do the running man 700 feet toward the rock at the bottom like a champ.
Swimming in freezing water in the middle of the Swiss Alps at Lago Maggiore...and relaxing FINALLY.
Walking around with some crazy American wearing all red, white, and blue and an American Spirit hat!

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