Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Almost done.... :-(

This week seems to be going by very quickly. I have to keep telling myself that its really Wednesday. I think alot of it has to do with the fact that we are finally in Berlin and I know that this is the last place we'll be until we come home. I was so excited to come to Berlin. All I have ever heard about it is how awesome of a city it is, but now that I'm here and I know that I'll be going home in a few days, I'm kind of ready to leave. The city, from what we got to see yesterday on our bike tour, is really awesome. I have a feeling that you could spend a good couple of weeks here and probably not make your way throughout the entire city. I just know that I'm pretty much packed up to go home and now I'm really ready. These past 5 weeks have been the most amazing experience I will probably ever have in my academic career. I have seen and experienced things I never would have thought possible and I am so glad that I was able to come. Like today for example at the MDC. We were able to see new and upcoming technology in a field that is relevant to us all...not only see it but actually touch it and play with it a little. It was so much fun and really amazing to think about these techonologies and instruments actually being used on a daily basis. Even the genetic technologies are incredible to think about. Of course, I'm more amazed by the analysis of the data just because I don't understand all of the minute details like the specialists do so I think its awesome how they can look at the data that comes out and are able to interpret it. Of course I know they're trained for this but its still really cool.

The one thing I am regretting right now is not being able to spend more time in Berlin. I wish we could have come on Monday morning so that we could technically have four days here instead of the three, well really two since one day we'll be in Dresden. I just feel like this is one of those cities I would like to just explore, like we got to do in Dusseldorf. I guess thats just one of those things I'll have to do when I come back sometime in the future. The bike tour yesterday though was really informative. I'm glad I got to see the Wall. Anyone who has grown up in the late 20th century and even the 21st century knows about the Wall so it was impressive to see parts of it still standing and yet looked so lightly upon by the residents, because they know it does not stand for anything anymore. I also like how the modern and old structures are intermixed. We have seen so many old buildings and churches everywhere we've gone that the modern architecture is a nice break but its even cooler when the two are just mixed together. I also like that the city has random green areas also. That was one of the things I loved about Dusseldorf and I was really surprised to see it in such a large city as Berlin. I wish some of our cities back home could take in this concept of trees and grass instead of concrete in all the cities.

So all I have left on my personal list of things to do is to see Check Point Charlie, eat a Berliner, and go on a Pub Crawl. After that, I will be completely satisfied with my trip here to Germany.

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