Monday, August 04, 2008

Passing out...

So I fainted for the first time in my life while we were observing surgeries last week...that was interesting. I think it was my ponytail that saved my head. Right after all this blood came out that I wasn't expecting, I got this really weird feeling of all the blood draining from my upper body. I turned to Christine and said that I was going to go sit down. That was the last thing I remembered. Apparently, right after I said that, I fell backwards, hit my back on the edge of the platform, and then hit my head on the ground. Thankfully, I guess I didn't hit it too hard, but I definitely felt light-headed the rest of the day. I have observed surgeries before, so I don't know what my problem was...hopefully this won't be a reoccurring thing!

So this weekend was really relaxing! I staying in Dusseldorf and got to write my paper without being in a rush, take a long run, eat whenever I wanted and then Friday night we went to the Beer Fest that was in Benrath. It was really fun! We got to try a lot of beers and then we headed out to Altstadt. And of course I went home "too early" because Germans are crazy and stay out until 6am! I can't do that! Not if I want to be mildly functioning the next day! So on Saturday, Susan and I just went to Altstadt and bought some souvenirs and just took it easy. Relaxing here is a little different from relaxing at home. At home, would either lay on my couch or bed and watch TV or read a book. Well...there is no couch at my host house, and I don't have a book to read...sooo relaxing composed of sleeping this weekend. Oh well! I think I'm caught up for now!

On Sunday I went to Koln for mass at the Cathedral. It was like the mass at Notre Dame. Both of those masses did everything that we do at home, so that makes me think we're doing something right! I really have enjoyed experiencing all the different masses like I said before, and I am proud that I have made it to mass every Sunday. I told myself I really wanted to, but I didn't know if it was going to work with my schedule! And it did! Whoop! I kind of wish I had gone somewhere more exciting this weekend, but I know that I will be back to Europe in the future, so I'll just have to keep a list of places I want to go! We just started our last week! I am sad that the trip is coming to an end but I am excited about going home! There are just some things that I miss about home that will be nice to have again (like ice...)! So tonight is our last night in our host family's house. I think we are doing something bigger for dinner...we shall see! Then off to Berlin! Whoop!

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