Sunday, June 02, 2019

The Trains Do Not Have Air Conditioning

     I am coming to you live from Veenendaal-De Klomp (which I honestly couldn't point out on a map if I needed to). This week has definitely been a whirlwind. On the way to Frankfurt I slept a solid 2 hours so jet lag had a head start on me. When I landed I found my way to a McCafe and 10 other aggies and we waited together to be taken to Bonn and to have our host families pick us up. My host family is super nice. It consists of Marlen, her daughter Marlina, a dog, and a cat. I have my own room with a big window overlooking the street which is great to wake up to. The first couple of days we had orientation things and a tour of Bonn, along with our first classes which I am very excited for. Professor Waltz and Dr.Wasser are so passionate about what they teach and it's easy to tell. I know that they will make the courses fun and interesting so I can't wait for the next few weeks.
     On Wednesday we went to the post WW2 German History museum and Dr.Wasser led the tour - I don't know how he can hold so much information I was dumbfounded. We all then went out together as a group and got to talk and get to know each other more which was nice. Friday after class we left and went to Amsterdam and checked into the cutest Airbnb. The host knew it was my birthday so she was nice enough to leave us stroopwafels which are amazing if you haven't tried them. We talked over 10 miles just on Saturday and then even more Friday night and this morning. We learned about how there are 10 bikes for every one person living in Amsterdam and people can actually fish for bikes using rope and a strong magnet. The houses there also have hooks on the roof because the stairs and doorways are too small to bring anything up so they have to hoist things up and through the windows which I have seen in cartoons (the classic pulling up a piano and it falls on someone) but never thought they were real.
     We are on our first train back to Bonn now, we have three stops, but I am so ready to be home. If I had to guess I'd say it is 90 degrees in this train car. I don't think I have ever wanted AC so bad. This week we have a couple excursions and I can't wait to learn outside of the classroom!
     Update: I meant to post this last night but thanks to a cancelled train and being stranded in Arnhem for some time my computer died. I ended up getting home two hours later than expected but I guess that's just the hero's journey.

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