Wednesday, June 26, 2019

30 minutes walk to the closest bus stop? yeah sure, why not?

Another week is gone, and slowly we are reaching the end of our time here. I’m going to miss Europe, but for now, last week’s update.
We arrived from Rome on Monday. On Tuesday we had class in the morning. We sadly had our last German lecture in the morning. Later we had a History of Medicine in Europe lecture, and as always, it was really interesting. In the afternoon we had a visit to Orgelbau Klais, which is an organ factory. Even though it was really warm in there, it was really interesting, we got to learn a lot about the process of building organs and all the things to keep in mind to make sure it sounds as it should. 
Wednesday was a day with a lot of excitement. We had the hospital visit where we got to see surgeries. At first, it was kind of weird, but once we got used to the hospital it was not that bad. I got to watch 2 different surgeries, the first one was small, and lasted only about 20 minutes. The second surgery I watched extended for about 2-3 hours. In that surgery, they were removing lymphatic tissue of the patient’s neck (ON BOTH SIDES!) it was a really big incision, and also was really deep. As a biomedical engineering student, I was mostly interested in all the equipment they had in the room (even though I’m not going into the bioinstrumentation track), it was great for me to see how engineering has made the doctor’s job easier by providing tools that they can easily use. 
On Thursday we had lectures in the morning, and then in the afternoon, we went to the Anesthesia Museum. Honestly, the visit to the Anesthesia Museum was a lot better than what I was expecting. The museum walked us through the history of anesthesia, and the beginning of anesthesia and its development that led to what we have today. Here, we also got to see the development of anesthesia equipment, and how slowly became these advanced machines that are available in the hospitals. 
On Friday we had an all-day excursion to Bingen. We left really early because it is a little far from Bonn. When we got there, we went to the Museum am Strom. We had a guided tour by Dr. Wasser. For the tour, Dr. Wasser dressed as a Monk which made it a lot more interesting and fun to watch. After the museum, we had lunch and ice cream and afterward, we went on a cruise in the Rhyne. The view from the cruise was really beautiful, it was hot and sunny, but not to the point where the tour was not enjoyable. After the 2 hours cruise, we hiked up to a castle. It was a little hard and tiring, but the view from the top was definitely worth it. We had a guided tour of the castle and after we just headed back to Bonn. To close the day, me with my friends went to the beer garden to refresh a little with some good German beer. 
On Saturday morning I headed out to Amsterdam with Bella. The Air B&B we rented we thought was close to the city but ended up not being, and the closest bus stop was 40 minutes’ walk away, the good thing about this, I walked for 30 minutes, so that must count as a workout. On Saturday afternoon we went to the Van Gogh Museum, this was a great experience. We had an audio tour where his most significant works were explained, and also explained the struggles he went through during his life. Later we had a walk around the city. 
Bella and I left the Air B&B early on Sunday and headed to the city. We went to the Heineken Experience, and it was AMAZING, totally worth the time. We learned a lot about the history of the brand and the brewing process (bonus: 2.5 free beers! And 2 to go). After the Heineken tour, we took a canal tour, and after we just walked a little more around the city. I did not have a lot of time to spend in Amsterdam but the time I had, was for sure great. Hopefully, I’ll be back someday. 
Now, on to week 5. Vienna, here we go!
Eindhoven, Netherland  
Amsterdam 1 

Heineken Experience (2.5 free beers) 

Amsterdam 2

Mirror Selfie at the Van Gogh Museum 

Personalized Beer 

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