Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Week 2: DONE

I cannot believe two weeks are already gone. At this moment I’m extremely thankful for cameras. I feel that if I didn’t have pictures of this trip it would feel like it was just a dream.
Academically, it has been two of the best classes I have ever taken. The content we are learning in the classes is amazing. To complement what we learn in lecture we have done multiple site visits which allows us to directly see what we learn in class.
So far in History of Medicine in Europe, we have learned about how many years ago medical conditions were diagnosed and treated, and about the birth and development of medicine which led medical practices as we know them today. We also have learned about the Nazi period in Germany and all the inhumane things that happened during this time, and how it influenced Germany and the world.
Neurophysiology of Music has also been amazing. We have been learning a little about everything including physics, music, biology, and even fluids mechanics. It has been amazing to actually understand how we hear and how sound waves are processed to allow the brain to understand what’s being said. We have also learned about how acoustics work and the importance of having acoustic friendly places and how an auditorium can be designed keeping in mind the acoustics.
This past week we had a site visit to the beautiful city of Koblenz. There we first visited the Opera House which was a great experience. We got to go backstage and see the process of getting a show ready, going from stage to customs and makeup. Afterward, we got to visit a fort where we got to look over the city of Koblenz and take some amazing pictures. The main purpose of going to the fort was to listen to acoustics, but we were not able to go inside the building. It was somehow disappointing not to be able to go inside, but hey, this is all part of the hero’s journey.
This week we also had a little trip to the city of Cologne. I had personally been there the previous weekend but still was amazing. This time we had the opportunity to go in a guided tour around the city, which allowed us to understand the history behind the city, and all the this that have taken place here over the years. After the Cologne tour, we had the Welcome BBQ at the Old AIB which was also amazing, and after a really hot day of walking, a couple of beers were what we needed to close the day with a golden brochure.
At this point, we have spent two weekends in Germany/Europe and both were full of amazing experiences. During weekend 1 some of us stayed in Germany exploring a little our home town for the following weeks. We spent our first Saturday at Cologne (first Cologne visit). We had the opportunity to visit the Cologne Zoo, the Aquarium, and the chocolate museum. During Sunday we visited the museum of natural science and spent the afternoon in a pool.
The second weekend was a dream come true. I, with some friends, visited the beautiful city of Paris, France. Obviously, the trip was not inconvenience-free. The train we were supposed to get in Bonn HBF was delayed by ~40 mins, which lead us to miss our connection to Paris, but hey, again, this is all part of the hero’s journey. Funny thing that happened: by missing our connection we ended up on the same train that some of our friends were in, so it was not all so bad. Since we got there on Friday late at night, we did not really do much, but Saturday was a journey. We spent the day visiting important landmarks in Paris including Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Catacombs and the Versailles Palace at night. It was a dream come true to be able to see these beautiful landmarks in something other than pictures. We visited the Louvre Museum on Sunday, and it involved a lot of walking, and a little 5 minutes nap on one bench, but it was worth it.
Overall, these two weeks have been GREAT, like a said earlier, way beyond my expectations. I cannot wait what else this journey will bring in the following weeks. But for now: Norderney, HERE WE COME!!!!!!!
Cologne Cathedral 

Little nap in the train on our way to Versailles 


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