Thursday, June 06, 2019

I thought Germany was supposed to be cold

       This week started out with Sunday being incredibly hot (which means I'm definitely going to melt when I get back to Texas). I started the day eating at a 'Mexican' restaurant, which actually succeeded in providing a little taste of home. After eating, we took a trip to the Natural History Museum. There was an event going on so the outside of the museum was crowded with a lot of different booths. The inside of the museum was pretty cool, they had a huge selection of animals to look at. To try to cool down after the museum, a couple of us took a trip to the public pool, which was definitely an interesting experience. It was super crowded and the water was freezing, but it was a better alternative than having a heat stroke.
             Monday we had a neurophysiology of music lecture followed by a trip to Koblenz. We got to visit the opera house, which was super cool. Getting to see all of the costumes, wigs, and makeup used for productions was really interesting. The inside of the opera house was really pretty, but throughout the tour I was definitely missing air conditioning.
After the Opera house, we took an air gondola to a fort. I'm deathly afraid of heights so the gondola ride was stressful for me but once we got to the top, I really appreciated the view.
The next morning, we had a German lesson. I was so excited when our German instructor got out of her car with two chihuahua puppies. The best dog I've ever had was a chihuahua, so I definitely wanted to steal the puppies and take them home with me. 
The puppies were cute and entertaining, and German is difficult. I'm trying really hard to pick up on it, but the wording is so different from the other languages I know a few phrases in. I'm in German group A, so I got out of class early. I spent the day spending way too much money shopping for things I didn't need, but I'm telling myself it's ok because technically I just bought a lot of souvenirs. 

    Wednesday we had two lectures in the morning, followed by a class trip to Cologne. We took a walking tour and got to learn a lot of interesting facts about the city. After  sight-seeing in Cologne, we had a welcome BBQ at the Old AIB where we got to meet different groups from TAMU and other colleges. I was exhausted by the end of the day and ended up going to bed a little early. 
Today, we had a lot of History of Medicine lectures. Since today is the 75th anniversary of D Day, Dr. Wasser adjusted his lectures around and gave us a lecture over World War II. It was really interesting and also horrifying to hear in detail what the Nazis did. Tomorrow we have a shorter class day, and then I head to Paris for an exciting weekend. This study abroad is already flying by so quickly.

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