Wednesday, June 05, 2019

I Think I Started Dreaming In German and I Don't Know How To Change My Language Settings

First chocolate desert in Brussels!
So it's been a week and where does that lead you? Back to me. Day 4 (Thursday) was relativity uneventful with a full class day and then face planting back into bed. Our History of Medicine lectures took us thought the early developments of medicine, mostly shaman and spiritual healers, with a sprinkle of herbs that have actual medicinal properties. Smallpox, malaria and the bubonic plague hit the early centuries, some being as far back as before the common era. We have the early practices of the Hippocratic physicians who believed in the 4 chymoi that kept the body in balance.

The Atomium

Day 5 brought our first free weekend, so I ventured out alone to Brussels! At first it was a bit scary spending 3 days in and unknown city but all the residents we very welcoming and made sure I stayed alive. I will never forget the amazing 3 course meal that elevated salmon to a whole new level. I also learned that hostels have thin walls, take that as you will.

Day 6 I got up and atom (Ha! It's a pun 'cause I went to the massive Atomium that shows iron atoms in a crystal structure). It was built for the 1958 World Fair and inside the center sphere made me feel like I had taken a step back in time and I felt the awe of technology wash over me. It's pretty well known that I have a massive sweet tooth and that brought me to Choco-Story, which led me through the history of chocolate while providing a million free samples. I learned how little of an impulse control I have.
A Cathedral in Brussels

Day 7 dawned hot and humid, as much as I loved walking around the gorgeous architecture, I was ready to go home for a cold shower and to sleep in my own room. I spent the majority of the day meandering the streets, spending much too much money on chocolate for my friends back home and stopping in various cathedrals to sit in the cool interior. Sightseeing is easy when no one is waiting on you or you're waiting on them, friends are good but being able to explore a city with no agenda is an experience everyone needs. In the short amount of time I've spent in Bonn, it has become to feel a lot like home, my room was a relief to reach at almost midnight.

Koblenz Opera House, one of the oldest in Europe.

Day 8 (Monday) brought me full circle as I have officially been away from America for 1 week. We start with a quick Neurophysiology of Music class that made us think through the best material and spaces to build acoustically perfect rooms. We then boarded a train to Koblenz, a cute town on the Rhine where we paid a visit to one of the oldest opera houses in Europe. It had a surprisingly small audience section but the whole building is capable of holding a costume department, makeup room, carpenter shop, paint loft and multiple rehearsal rooms, and we didn't even see all of it.

On the Rhine and ready to visit the fort!

We then walked to the Rhine and got to take a gondola to a fort that over looks the city, one of the most breath taking views I have seen in my life. While the day was not sunny, the clouds cast a perfect shadow over the Rhineland, bringing peace to the earth.

View from the top
The top of Drakenfels
Day 9 we had our second German class, this time with a sweet and sporadic lady by the name of Hilde. I can't say I learned anymore German but I can't wait until our next class with her! We got out at 13:00 and after lunch, Shane, Ali, Brenae and I took the train to Drakenfels, a hike up at 45 degrees that carved my calves into marble. But again, the view from the top was something that could never be replaced. How I managed to get out of bed the next morning, I'm not quite sure.

Cologne Cathedral

 Day 10 brought us to Cologne, where the cathedral requires you to tip your head back so far, you wonder if you'll get arthritis in your neck. The awe of seeing a building built in 1248, wayyyyyyy before any modern technology can give you a helping hand, had yet to leave my mind. It's. So. Freaking. Huge. We had a spunky tour guide who's running commentary on our surroundings had us constantly giggling as we explored the historical city.
A quick train ride brought us back to Bonn and we walked to the old AIB for a welcome BBQ. Although it's not the saucy Texas BBQ I grew up on, it was still delicious and I ate far too much for my own good.
Welcome BBQ at the Old AIB

The weekend will bring cooler weather and a trip to Paris!
(please excuse my formatting)

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