Thursday, June 20, 2019

We still out here

I have been fairly busy since my last post.  We left Norderney last Thursday afternoon and I headed back to Bonn, along with a few others.  Some people went to Dublin, others Rome, and even Barcelona.  For my long weekend I met my parents in Paris who happened to be there for a work conference.  We arrived back in Bonn around midnight and I had to wake up at 4 in order to catch my tram to the Bonn main station.  I was somehow successful in sleeping through the 3 alarms I had set and woke up after what must have been about twenty minutes straight of 'Callin' Baton Rouge' by Garth Brooks.  I must have been extremely tired because this song has one of the loudest and most obnoxious opening verses of any song ever (seriously look it up, there is no build up, it's immediately loud).  I have also have had this song as my alarm for at least three years, so every time I hear it I'm instantly filled with dread.  I was lucky enough to eventually wake up with enough time to make my tram, so no harm no foul.  I arrived in Paris and walked the entire day, going to the Sainte-Chapelle chapel, the Arc de Triomphe, Pablo Picasso Museum (whose art I seriously do not understand), the Louvre, and a few other museums.  We saw the Water Lilys by Claude Monet and of course the Mona Lisa.  When we stopped to eat dinner I mistakenly ordered Beef Carpaccio, which I thought would some kind of steak.  I misunderstood completely.  Beef carpaccio is raw, thinly sliced beef served with raw mushrooms,  spinach, and sliced cherry tomatoes.  I of course ate it all because I'm an adult and it really wasn't all that bad, just not what I wanted.  The next day we went to another museum and  at around 8 we went up the Eiffel tower, which is a whole lot bigger in person.  On Sunday my parents and brother had to leave to go to a different town in France, which I was not able to go to because there were no trains leaving from there to Bonn on Monday.  So instead I booked a train to Bruges, Belgium, where I stayed one night.  In Bruges I went to a Brewery, ate some waffles and chocolate, and had a pretty good time.  I stayed in a hostel and thankfully had a better experience this time than last.  I left back for Bonn Monday afternoon to cap off a really good long weekend.  This week so far we went to a university hospital in Bonn to watch surgeries take place.  I saw a surgery where they had to remove cancerous lymphatic tissue from a guys neck.  It was very cool to witness and as a bonus the anesthesiologist that was talking to my small group recommended his favorite beer, so I'll have to try that out.  That's all I have for now, until next time.


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