Friday, June 28, 2019

Vienna is cool

Another week has gone by and somehow this trip is almost over.  I can’t believe it’s been five weeks already, it feels like I just got here.  We once again had a very busy week, on Friday the whole group went to Bingen on a single day excursion.  We woke up early and arrived to Bingen around 10 and went to the museum dedicated to Hildegard of Bingen.  We had previously had a lecture about her life and healing practices, so it was interesting to see in person what we had learned.  We then ate lunch (I had pasta and salmon) and after finishing got on a river boat tour down the Rhine.  We stayed on for about three hours and saw multiple castles and amazing scenery along the way.  When we got off we took a tour of one of the castles on the Rhine, the only one that had never been besieged and therefore never destroyed.  I liked seeing how rulers would have lived back in the medieval years.  It was seated up on top of this hill so the view of the Rhine valley was amazing.  Saturday morning a group of us made our way to Amsterdam for the weekend.  We ate lunch when we arrived and ended up walking around for the rest of the day.  On Sunday we went to the maritime museum where they had a pirate ship for us to explore which I really enjoyed.  We walked to a park and hung out with everyone for the rest of the day until leaving at seven.  Tuesday morning we had to wake up very early to go to Vienna.  We arrived at around nine and went strong the whole rest of the day, I was exhausted.  We ate a very good dinner that included a wide variety of goulash and famous Vienna wine.  Wednesday we went to a pharmacology museum in the morning and later to an open air market with a bunch of people selling the same fake Ray Bans and a lot of good food.  I bought a falafel sandwich which was very good and very cheap, and cheap food is my favorite food.  Later a few of us went to the river to swim and hang out for a few hours, there were a lot of swans that would not leave us alone, but other than that it was a lot of fun.  At night we went to an amusement park which I really liked because instead of paying at the entrance you pay for each individual ride, which kept it cheap.  Thursday in the morning we took a tour of the Narranturm which use to be a hospital for the unusual and deformed.  There they had a lot of wax figures of some very gross diseases and a lot of other stuff too.  We ate lunch as a group at this Pakistani buffet which was easily some of the best food I’ve had so far this trip.  In the afternoon we took of tour of Sigmund Freud’s house and at night went to a string quartet concert in a old church in the city.  Friday morning we took a tour of the house of music and did some Thai chi then ate lunch at this traditional Austrian restaurant where I had the best schnitzel I’ve eaten.  After lunch we took of tour of the museum of natural history which was probably my favorite museum so far on this trip.  This weekend a group of us are headed to Prague and then next week we head to Berlin.  Vienna has definitely been one of my favorite places we’ve visited so far and I’m kind of sad this trip is almost over.  I definitely miss things from Texas but I know I’ll miss this too.  That’s all I have for this post, until next week.


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