Sunday, June 30, 2019

Totally didn’t write this then forget to publish it

Week 4, y’all know the drill

Tuesday: Class then a tour of an organ factory. Fun day, but tiring day as we left early and returned late.

Wednesday: Got to observe surgeries at the hospital in Bonn. I watched a surgery in which part of the stomach is detached and used to replace an esophagus which got removed due to cancerous growth on it. Due to the amount of effort required to perform the surgery I ended up near the anesthesiologist which was nice as despite being interested in veterinary medicine, I still find anesthesiology to be very interesting. I left at about 1, ate Mexican food with some people from the trip and returned home.

Thursday: Classday followed by trip to anesthesiology museum. Dr Wasser have the tour and it was pretty interesting to see how anesthesia has evolved since its conception in the mid 19th century.
Jon Snow is...the Doctor in the North?

Friday: Went to a museum in honor of Hildegard von Bingen where Dr Wasser again lectured, this time in robes complete with an amazing solo of music that was actually written by Hildegard. My curiosity in the Middle Ages was further fulfilled by a trip down the Rhine and a tour of Marksburg Castle. Pretty awesome stuff
Saturday/Sunday: After losing Blake, we made it to Amsterdam where we essentially wandered around the city all day taking in the sights and sounds, this was repeated Sunday. The highlight sight was the canals followed by the excellent Dutch Maritime museum

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