Monday, June 24, 2019

Oh my Gaudi! Barcelona is amazing!

After the eight hour train ride back to Bonn my roommate and I finally arrived at the central station at 11:30. We took our usual tram back home and started to wait for the bus that was scheduled to arrive at 12:04. After waiting a full hour for the nonexistent bus we finally decided it was time to walk the 25 minute walk back home. Our next dilemma started with how we were going to get to the airport for our 6:45 flight. Normally there is a bus that will take you from Bonn central to the Cologne airport but since we needed to leave at 3:30 in order to get to the airport there sadly was no bus available. Our next plan was to call a taxi to take us to the airport. The only issue was after putting in a request two times we were declined. Panic was starting to set in so we researched some more and found that a train station in the next town over had a specific train that dropped off at the airport. We were slightly relieved until we realized that at now 2 in the morning there were no trams running to the next town so that meant we first needed to walk 45 minutes to get to the station and then take the train to the airport. Tired and frustrated we unpacked our bags and quickly repacked them and set off for the airport in the early hours of the morning. We finally managed to make it to the airport unharmed and ready to get to Barcelona! With little to no sleep we finally arrived and were met by each of our parents. I truly haven't been more excited to see my parents and immediately gave them a huge hug! After a much needed shower we headed to the Sagrada Familia to marvel at Gaudi's prized possession. The cathedral surpassed all of my expectations and left me in awe. From the church we then headed to a paella and sangria cooking class. We started off in La Boqueria to pick up the fresh seafood that we used to make our paella. Then it was time to cook! Our chef walked us through the full process of making seafood paella including how to properly clean the seafood that was used. We then learned how to make sangria to accompany our paella. After being thoroughly stuffed and exhausted from traveling we called it a night.
Outside of the Sagrada Familia

Inside of the Sagrada Familia

Fresh seafood at La Boqueria

The next morning was started off early with a bus and ferry ride to Costa brava. We arrived at the town of Tossa Del Mar and explored the old medieval town and took in the beauty of the Spanish coast. Once back in Barcelona we ended the night with traditional tapas and some of the best food I've ever eaten. Day three kicked off with visiting Parc Guell, another one of Gaudi's great works. The park is filled with beautiful buildings and intricate architecture that can be seen not only in the buildings but simply in the walkways. Additionally the park is home to some of the best views of the city and is a great place to take some really cool pictures. Afterwards my family still hadn't had enough of Gaudi so we decided to go visit two more of his works, Casa Mila and Casa Batllo. Our last destination for the day was Montserrat. Montserrat means serrated mountains and is home to a monastery and the famous black Madonna. Montserrat is yet another place where you can get incredible views while getting to learn about its history and the monks that live there.
Views from Tossa Del Mar

Enjoying Father's Day at Park Guell

Inside the cathedral of Montserrat

On our last day in Barcelona we decided to take a tour of Camp Nou, home to FC Barcelona. Throughout the tour we learned all about the history of FC Barcelona as well as how they act as a symbol of freedom and hope for the Catalan people. Additionally the tour took you on the field and as a major soccer fan I was ecstatic! At the end of the tour you were dropped off in their massive gift shop and of course I had to get a Messi jersey. Once the tour was over my parents and I got to spend some much needed family time. Soon it was time to leave and say goodbye. I wasn't ready to leave them and I know they felt the same way. As the cab pulled up I hugged them goodbye and of course my mom cried which didn't make it any better. Although Barcelona was amazing, I truly believe being with my family made it ten times better!
Camp Nou

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