Friday, June 14, 2019

Does Brussels actually have Brussels sprouts?

We got to start the week in Koblenz where we toured an old opera house and tried to go to a room with perfect acoustics. The opera house was very interesting and beautiful with all the old architecture. It was very interesting to see how the rooms architecture affected the acoustics and how the room was designed to make the sound the best it could be. The room was beautiful and I thought it was interesting that instead of having real curtains on the balcony they were actually paintings. I still can’t believe that the performers practiced in an enclosed blacked out room with no A/C. The next stop on our excursion to Koblenz was a fort that had a room with perfect acoustics. Unfortunately, the room was unable to be accessed because an event was being set up blocking us from entering. The idea was very cool since we could experience what we discussed in class, definitely would’ve loved to go.

Next was Cologne, which was a beautiful city that I will be returning to at some point during our trip. The cathedral was absolutely breathtaking from the outside and I would love to go inside to see the oldest standing gothic church. Instead of the cathedral we got a tour of the city. We went to a perfumery and got to get a free sample of the first cologne which smelled amazing. Cologne was such a fun city and I loved hearing from the tour guide about the jokes and history of the city.

I found class this week to be very interesting. In History of Medicine class we are working our way into more modern medicine. I like this class because Dr. Wasser is so knowledgeable on the subject and makes it easy to pay attention to the information. I also really enjoyed Neurophysiology of Music this week because we moved into talking a little more about the Nervous System and since neurology is what I’m very interested in I was very excited to start on that topic.

The end of the week came pretty quickly and then it was off to Brussels. Belgium was beautiful. The buildings with the gold trim, cathedrals, and the St. Statues were amazing in the detail put into them. We also made sure to try a waffle and they did not disappoint. Bridgette, Maddie, Conner, Blake, and I found another group traveling to Brussels for the weekend and we all went to Brugge for the day. Brugge was also a beautiful city and it was fun to walk around. In Brussels, we got to see the tourist attractions like the Grand Place and the Manneken Pis. Overall the weekend was very fun and now I can’t wait to travel to Norderney!

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