Tuesday, June 18, 2019

I swear this island is trying to kill me!

Norderney is an island that is known for its saunas and sea water therapy. It's a place where German doctors send patients to heal and take in the fresh North Sea air. This place is supposed to be so good that they even tax you for the air that you are breathing! When hearing this, one would assume that spending four days on this island would be a dream come true and for anyone else that would probable true but for me each day sadly brought a new challenge!

Day 1:
Since Norderney is an island in the North Sea, we had a lengthy trip ahead of us. The overall travel time was eight hours and consisted of three trains and a ferry. All in all this part of the day wasn't that bad just long! This next part is what I dreaded most about this trip, biking. Before studying abroad I was told that on the island of Norderney I was going to have to ride a bike since that is the only viable method of transportation on this small island. Most people learn how to ride a bike very young and biking around is part of their childhood, but not mine. When I was younger I feared bikes, but I was eventually forced to start learning. Flashback to one camping trip and picture little me on her big girl bike attempting to ride down a gravel hill and then completely eating it and cutting up my leg from ankle to hip. This was the end of my bike training and I vowed to never get on one again. Flash forward to now and picture me as someone who doesn't really know how to ride a bike, has horrible balance, and is scared out of her mind. Once we got to the bike rental place I was fitted for a bike and was told to practice a bit. If it would have been just me biking in this small green space it would have been easier but sadly the rest of my classmates were riding around as well. I was able to get on and get started but was very shaky once on and fell a couple of times. Next was the true test , I had to bike to our hostel which was a couple of kilometers away. I immediately placed myself in the back of the group so I wouldn't be in the way of the more experienced bikers. I didn't get far before I fell but I knew I had to get back on and keep going. This pattern continued the whole way to the hostel with the occasional major wipeout like running into a hedge and sprawling out on the ground as well as snapping my bike key in half on another particularly nasty fall. Finally I made it to the hostel relatively unharmed except for my pride. I still couldn't relax though since we were scheduled to take a two hour bike tour of the island that same day! Luckily for me we didn't have enough time and were told that the tour would be pushed to Thursday. The night got better and I even mustered up the courage to get back on my bike to ride into town to explore a little and even was able to make it all the way back without a fall!
Le tour de Norderney

Day 2:
The day started at 6:00 AM with sunrise training on the beach. I had to force myself out of bed and kept telling myself that exercise is good for you. This was all that bad until we started practically rolling in the sand. Luckily I was able to shower and started off the day energized. Since I had a success the previous night at riding my bike I was feeling much more confident but still chose to join a small group that left a little early to our morning destination. I was able to make it back into town with little to no issues and was feeling great! That morning we took a tour of the Badehaus which is home to many seawater pools, saunas, and various other healing treatments. We were given a tour and a lecture on Thalasso which is the art of seawater therapy. After we were given two hours to spend at the Badehaus which was incredible! Additionally we were given the opportunity to have a Schlick, mud from the North Sea, treatment. This involved being in a small group of the same gender and striping down to then slather yourself in mud while steaming and eventually being rinsed off by a rain shower. Overall this sounds amazing except the part of being completely naked with strangers but I wasn't about to miss out on such a unique experience and boy was is worth it! I felt like I had been reborn and had a new set of skin. When our two hours were up we were given free time to explore and enjoy the island. After all of the relaxation some of us went to get gelato at a place that was recommended and all was great until out of nowhere a bird decided to poop on me and my gelato! The island simply could not let me relax and be happy but no worries the day ended on a good note with a class barbecue and sitting and talking on the beach for hours.
my gelato before it was attacked

sunset on the beach

Day 3:
Day three started with a tour of the bath museum and a quick walking tour of the island which was great! Our next activity was were I was a little nervous. We biked out to the mudflats of the island and were taken on a hike by a local guide. To set the scene it was cold, windy, and raining. We then walked into the thick mud and were informed about all of the species that inhabited the mudflats. At the very beginning of the hike I stepped on a shell in the mud and sliced my toe open. Yet again this island had it out for me! We spend two long hours in the cold rain while standing in mud and I couldn't wait to get out of there and be clean and dry! That being said no one had the desire to bike back into town so we grabbed dinner at a pizza place right by our hostel and spent the night inside.
Cold, wet, and ready to leave


Day 4:
The day had finally come to leave and I couldn't have been more excited! Overall Norderney wasn't completely bad but just wasn't the place for me. I opted out of the bike tour of the island since I was still pretty bagged up and decided to spend the last day relaxing. Little did I know this would be short lived by my stomach twisting in a knot and having a small batch of food poisoning. That was my last straw and I was relieved when I reached the mainland! Thank you Norderney for forcing me to learn how to ride a bike and roll with the punches but sadly I may never see you again!

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