Monday, June 03, 2019

One week down!

It’s been one week in Bonn and so far I’m really enjoying it.  So much has been packed into this first week, it’s kinda of crazy how fast we move, but I prefer it this way.  My favorite thing we’ve done so far is going to the Biergarten after class, sitting by the Rhine, and talking to everyone that has come on this trip along with me.  I’ve had a few transportation problems my first week, nothing I couldn’t handle but things that have definitely made me miss driving my car.  So far I have ridden a bus in the wrong direction for its entire route, just so I could see how to get on in the right direction after making it back to the central station, had a train cancelled with no explanation leaving me stuck in Arnhem for a few hours (it wasn’t terrible but a heads up would’ve been nice), and had a scheduled tram just not come, leaving me fifteen minutes late for class.  But that’s all I really have to complain about, everything else is as good or better than I could’ve hoped for.  I’ve learned how to do a little bit of Thai chi, it’s always good to spread the chi around, especially after sitting for long periods of time.  I’ve found that my chi likes to build up in my upper back, so I like to spread it around to the rest of the class because I’ve think I have too much.  I went to Amsterdam this weekend and stayed in a hostel by myself with three random Irish guys who were...loud, but friendly in a strange way.  They seemed to like me although I’m not really sure why.  I think I’m figuring this whole living in Germany thing out, little bits at a time, I’ll get there eventually.  Til next week,


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