Sunday, June 02, 2019

Shots with Strangers...

This week has just flown by how can week two already be starting tomorrow! There were so many exciting things going on this week and I for one am exhausted. There were many highs and lows to get through but overall a great first week. As with all new places, you have to get used to it. Getting around everywhere (especially since most signs are not in English) has been particularly difficult for a directionally challenged person like me. Luckily (and surprisingly) I have been figuring it out which is definitely a good thing.

Maddie and I have wonderful host parents. They have been so hospitable and have always jumped to help us out. They are kind, funny, and have the best stories to share. I feel like I definitely have learned something from them whether it was something in history or just watching how they are so happy together. They have made sure we are comfortable in every way. Today they took Maddie, Bridgette, and I to Wuppertal and the surrounding areas. They showed us around the town, took us for some ice cream, and took us to a castle from the medieval times. After all the exploring they took us to a place by the Wupper river where we had a coffee. It was a tiring but very exciting and cool day and I’m glad we got the chance to go out with them.

Saturday, Maddie Bridgette and I decided to go to Drachenfels Castle and the ruins. The day had some twists and turns but eventually we got to see the castle. First we took the tram in the wrong direction extending the trip there by almost half an hour (may not seem so bad except the trams were crowded and there was no air conditioning). However if we didn’t have that little blip in the plans we never would have met these fun women on the tram. They were having a bachelorette party and had drinks and balloons (and by drinks I mean they had a huge cart full of liquor bottles and solo cups). Towards the end of our journey, they started playing bachelorette bingo. We all started talking and right before our stop, they asked “will you take a shot with me” all the while handing us all tiny bottles of liquor. We all stood there completely shocked but of course we agreed (for their bingo game). We parted ways and made our way to the top of the trail and saw the beautiful castle and ruins. It was such a fun journey and definitely makes for a good story.

In terms of classes, I am very excited for both. Dr. Wasser and Professor Waltz both have shown such passion for the subjects and make them so much more interesting. They are making me much more eager to learn throughout our very long class days. I am also very excited for all of our excursions coming up. I love learning about history of medicine because I find it very interesting but I am very excited for Neurophysiology of Music. While I don’t particularly like physics I love neuroscience. I am waiting for the classes where we get to look a bit more into how the brain perceives the music.

I am very excited for the rest of this hero’s journey and can’t believe how fast it is already going. I can’t wait for what’s to come in the following weeks!

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