Sunday, June 02, 2019

Saturday in Cologne!

     While a lot of people elected to travel to a different country this weekend, I decided to stay in Germany. A big group of us thought it would be a fun idea to visit Cologne! We met at Bonn Central Station at 9 am and caught a train to Cologne. After arriving, we were immediately hit with the sight of the cathedral.
We decided not to go inside the cathedral yet, because we knew we'd be going inside for a class excursion this week. After staring at the cathedral for a few minutes, we realized we weren't really sure where to go. So, after a minute of discussing, we decided to go to the Cologne Zoo. We figured out which metro to take to the zoo, and once we got there we got to work seeing as much as we possibly could in the short time we had. The zoo was really big, and had a lot of different animals and exhibits. All of the animals there seemed fat and happy, which was a good thing to see.
After a couple of hours at the zoo, we had to hurry to get to our guided tour at the chocolate museum. We had pre-bought our tickets, so we had to rush to catch the right train and bus to take us where we needed to be. The chocolate museum was really cool, and I would be lying if I said I wanted to take the tour to learn about chocolate (I really only wanted the tasting that it came with). But, the tour definitely taught me some interesting things. After our tour, we decided to try some things from the chocolate café. 
When we got done eating an ungodly amount of chocolate, we decided to try to take a gondola lift over the city. We caught the train to the gondola station, but when we got there the line was incredibly long, and we didn't think we'd be able to get put on a gondola before they would close. So, since we were right across from the zoo, we decided to go back into the zoo to check out their aquarium, which we hadn't had time to see before. We got to see some fish and snakes, but by this point we were all exhausted. Once we decided we had seen enough, we caught a train back to Bonn and then went our separate ways. Even though I'm still tired from our adventures yesterday, I'm glad I started off my weekend trips with something small.

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