Saturday, June 01, 2019

Never thought the words Tai Chi could sound so painful….

Even though we have been here for less than a week, this already classifies as one of the best experiences in my life. I’m seriously considering moving to Europe after grad school. I’M IN LOVE WITH GERMANY. Everything in Bonn is appealing to me in every possible way, the culture, the people, the constructions, the food…. OMG, THE FOOD!!! OHHHH AND THE BEER!!!! Is there anything not to love about this place? 
    When it comes to my host family, I can say that this is waaaayyyyyy beyond my expectations. My host mom and my roommate are both AMAZING. There has not been a single instance where I have felt unwelcome or uncomfortable in any way. Rosa (my host mom) is great. She is always looking out for us (me and my roommate) and making sure that we have everything we need and that we feel comfortable in her house. I could have not imagined the host mom to be so caring and welcoming. 
   Germany overall has been an adventure, beginning with the flight. The flight from Houston to Germany was the longest flight I have ever been in, and what can I say, it went as well as expected. The worst parts of the flight were going to the restroom (I had been seating for more than five hours, and I could hardly feel my legs) and not wanting to sit for at least three hours post-flight. But the real adventure began once I arrived in Frankfurt. The Frankfurt airport is huge, and I definitely got lost a couple of times. Sadly, I arrived in terminal 1, and I had to figure out how to make my way to terminal 2. I was expecting to make it there on foot, but nope, it didn’t happen. Fresh out of the plane, jet-lagged and with nearly zero sleep I had to jump in a bus, which I honestly was not even sure was the right one. Luckily, I made it safely to where the group was supposed to meet. 
   Learning to get around Bonn has been a little challenging, but at this point, I can at least make it to the AIB without getting lost, and also can get to the food trucks that are relatively close to the AIB. Had the opportunity to go around the city a little. I already visited the HARIBO store, which by the way, one of the closest things to paradise. A walk by the Rhine was also one of the first things I did in Bonn. And obviously, tried some really good German Beer. 
   So far academically, it has been pretty good. German classes are going well, not an expert in German, but I at least can say Danke at this point (just kidding, I also can say guten morgen). The other two classes I’ll be taking so far are really interesting. And I’m really looking forward to learning more about the effects of music in the brain and history of medicine in Europe, and obviously, more German. 
   What came as a surprise to me where the Tai Chi mini sections we’ve been having. I would have never pictured me doing Tai Chi before this week, but it seems that a world where Maria do Tai Chi actually does exist. Honestly, it has been pretty fun, leaving aside the fact that my legs are sore, and it takes me forever (and is kind of painful) to go downstairs or to sit or to move. But hell, I’m not going to allow sore legs to keep me from exploring more on the following days….

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