Sunday, June 02, 2019

Clueless American takes on Bonn Pt.1

With the first week of my Germany adventure in the bag I think it’s appropriate to sit down and reflect over my first week in this beautiful country. I figure I’ll go in order of the days, and mention some notable events.

Sunday-Monday: Ah yes the plane ride, international flights in the middle seat as a pretty big 6’2” guy are terrible and I didn’t sleep at all. Only positive of the plane ride is I got to watch The Lord of the Rings movies and read part of the Two Towers book. Really into LoTR right now for some reason. First impressions of Frankfurt was that it was so much cleaner and quieter than DFW and the German airport guards walk around with MP5s which was unexpected. Blake and I got to meet our host mom and her son Leon upon arrival in Germany and Leon made us some bomb ass chicken Alfredo. Mandy was super nice, but after dinner Blake and I passed out because we’d been awake for almost 30 hours. We also met her husband Wolfgang or Wally, but we were so exhausted it was little more than a “hello”.

Tuesday: First real day in Germany which consisted of an orientation tour, eating lunch in the central plaza at which point I stuffed my face with currywurst then returning home for a nap then dinner with Mandy. The highlight of the day was definitely drinking Kölsch in the kitchen with Wally and getting to know him. Both him and Mandy are some of the nicest people I’ve ever gotten to know.
Me shortly after lunch

Wednesday: Big event Wednesday was Blake and I figured out the trains, learned a few German phrases and went with Dr Wasser to a museum featuring the history of Germany post WW2. Normally I get bored in museums, but Dr Wasser was super engaging and I learned a lot. After that an AIB worker, Brian, took us to the Biergarten for the first time and that was dope. Wednesday was a very good day.
East German soldier making a run for it (I want this painting)
The Boys (Blake, Logan, Shane and I) enjoying some cold ones

Thursday: Easily my least favorite day simply because there was nothing open as it was a holiday. Waltz and Wasser were in top of their game when it comes to class lectures, but that couldn’t make up for the seemingly deserted state of Bonn. I just couldn’t believe it. Fortunately Wally and Mandy saved the day with another fun night of good food, beer and compelling conversation.

Friday: Wasser was in top of his game again in lecture, learned some more tai chi from him, curry for lunch (eh Germans I guess have lower spice tolerance than Texas). Blake and I ran to and along the Rhine (I’m out of shape) then a fun night at the Biergarten again. Beautiful weather, people on this trip are all fantastic and good beer. I think I’m going to like this country.
View from the garten
My out of shape ass

Saturday: Nürburgring time baby. Train ride through beautiful German country side
I mean
Just wow.
Blake drive around the ring 6 times with me as navigator and moral support and holy shit I was jealous. I’m a Porsche guy and all those gorgeous 911s had me swooning.
Finished up the day with a BBQ with Mandy and Wally (OMG the chicken y’all) and then watching the Champions league final in which Liverpool won (Everton fan in me screams loudly).

Sunday: I slept until noon after a busy week and then sat down to write this. What? Everyone needs sleep.

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