Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Went to Prague: Czech

How to describe Prague: Beautiful. That's really the only word that comes to mind when I think about the few short hours I got to spend in Prague.

It was interesting waking up on the train ride and seeing a completely different language on the screen. To go from somewhat finally minimally understanding German to looking at a language similar to Russian was one of the weirdest experiences. To cross in borders in few short hours blew my mind. We got into the train station, and honestly I wasn't sure if we were going to ever get out. I imagined Olaf asking us on Monday how the weekend went and all we would be able to say is, "The train station bench made a good bed." We finally figured it out and to the Eurostar David Hotel we went.

The next day we walked around the town and had a nice sit down lunch. It was wonderful to be able to look at the architecture and just enjoy the beauty of the city. The day was so relaxed as we traveled throughout and we even found a Christmas Market! Even though it was rainy, the colors of Prague still came through.

That next day was beautiful. It was incredibly to look across the St. Charles Bridge at the colors and the river. I even am now sporting a new profile picture from that very day! Prague was incredible, even if it was only for 36 hours, but I hope to return some day.

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