Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bye Berlin!

If I had to use one word to describe our time in Berlin it would be schnell. I appreciate how much we were able to fit in but I really would have liked some more free time! Also Berlin is such a big city, I think we could spend the rest of our trip there and we still would have missed out on a lot. Out of the many things we got to do (laundry not included, sorry for the smell everyone) I would have to say the coolest part was just being there. That sounds weird but there was something really powerful about being where everything that we've read about before in textbooks actually happened. Like actually standing at the line where the Berlin Wall used to be or seeing reinaments of it.
Being in a country with a completely different language has been hard to get used to but I think at this point we have at least learned the basics. But being in a country where English isn't the first language but so many people still speak it made me feel so uncultured! It gave me a little inspiration to maybe actually learn a second language myself. So only know as we're leaving Berlin, I've finally realized that people aren't saying "juice!", it's "tschüss" and it means bye! So tschüss Berlin, maybe I'll be back someday with a little more German under my belt.

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