Friday, January 10, 2014


Although Hamburg was my favorite city (I know I'm biased!), Hanover comes in a close second. Our first day in Hanover was yet another day that I was given the privilege to explore the medical field again! We went to the Medical University of Hanover (MHH), and explored the nephrology department and learned about devices for the heart used by cardiovascular surgeons. Unfortunately, I don't remember the physician's name who showed us the nephrology department. He continuously told us to persevere, and although it may seem like common sense, it was what I needed at that time. Sometimes the more and more I explore the health field, the more and more I want to give into something else, because it seems too challenging. I guess it's more of a psychological battle with myself.

Our second day was INCREDIBLE. It was basically animal day, but it was finally something that correlated with my major: Molecular and Cell Biology! We went to the MHH research facility that was working with Axolotls, and it was AWESOME. Their purpose was to determine regeneration at the molecular level in amphibians. It was so interesting to learn about their findings because it was actually in a language that I could relate to, theoretically speaking. This just made me want to pursue my major even more, and hopefully even get involved with research back at TAMU. And the little Axolotls were so damn cute! After this adventurous and education "excursion", we ventured off to the zoo, which was just as fun! The animals always mesmerize me, and I don't think I personally give them enough credit for how intelligent they are. This was definitely my favorite thing we have done in any of the cities (except possibly for NYE in Berlin). And I just realized that I have been saying that for almost every city. Oops. And just to toot my own horn, I got some FANTASTIC pictures that I cannot wait to upload!

Flying out of Germany was bittersweet. On one note, I was sad to leave that journey behind, and it made the thought of saying goodbye to my uncle that much harder. I've come to love that country and I loved saying "tschüss" after every place I walked out of. But I was so excited to come to Vienna, especially because it was somewhere my family hasn't been before (thankfully it's similar to Germany, it's definitely not another culture shock). But no worries, I'll be back, Germany, VERY soon!

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