Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hamburg – 1/5

Last night I attended a birthday party with my best friend, who grew up in Germany and serves in the German military. It was surprisingly similar to an American party, with cake and balloons. However, you are not allowed to say ‘Happy Birthday’ until midnight, which I learned in German class but unfortunately forgot in the moment I met the birthday girl… I apologized profusely and she didn’t seem to mind. It might be a tradition that is less important with the younger populations. I also discovered Feigling, which are tiny bottles that you take like shots. You bang them on the table, twist them open, put the cap on your nose, and shoot them with everyone. They are delicious and my friend kindly got me some to bring back to America!

I was shocked, also, when I saw the bar and strip club region of the city.  I have never seen so many sex shops in my life, in addition to a street filled with prostitutes that women are not even allowed to go on lest they be confused for one. This brings back the idea of how comfortable the Germans seem to be with sex – while I don’t mind it from a medical standpoint, I did mind it from this social standpoint. I also had the opportunity to see more cultural aspects, including the older parts of town, the Town Hall, and the harbor. I visited a Christmas Market and did some traditional German stuff, including having Glühwein and Franzbrötchen and buying a nativity scene. Overall, my visit with my friend gave me a better insight into daily culture of German youth, and was definitely a refresher after a week full of learning! I was glad to see Hamburg, since in my opinion it is the prettiest German city I have seen by far!

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