Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Waiting at the Airport

As I write this, I am sitting at the DFW airport. I have just arrived from McAllen, TX and I am waiting for the ticket counters to open. So my adventure starts today. I just experience my first flight and I am about to experience my first sleep over at an airport. 
I still cannot mentally processes that I will be flying into Germany in only a few hours. When I arrived at College Station I had always planned on studying abroad. I just can't believe that it would be my second year in college. It was a little challenging for my parents to grasp the idea of me leaving the country when they barely let me leave the city, but I am happy I applied anyways.
I am really looking forward to learning a lot, not just from the class itself but, from the different culture and people. Right now my main worry is that I did not spend enough time trying to learn German. I hope that I can get by with what I know. The food is something I am also excited to try. Besides the language, I feel ready to arrive at Frankfurt and take it all in from the moment we step out of the airplane. 

Until then, I will sit here in the airport enjoying some Netflix and trying to cram in some more German phrases. 

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