Monday, December 30, 2013

I'm not in Kansas anymore!

Wow I cannot believe I am actually in Germany. A day that I waited for months to come is finally here. Flying alone to a foreign country is honestly the most frightening thing I have ever done. I did not know what to expect as I did not know the other students.  Anything could happen in seventeen days were the thoughts that plagued my mind throughout the plane ride. Eating at an authentic German restaurant was a great way to end a long day of traveling and ease my nerves.   I'm glad to have tried new dishes as I'm trying to fully embrace the German culture.  However, this will probably be my first and last time to eat blood sausage.

Embarrassingly, I do not even own a bus card in America, but here it is second nature to hop onto a train in order to get to a destination. The mass use of public transportation is something I admire about Europe.  Due to the vast size of Texas it may be difficult to mimic such a successful transit system, but I wish we could cut down on the wasteful use of gasoline and single passenger travel.

It amazes me how everyone knows English and they do not find it disrespectful that I speak to them in my own language. In America we do not like to accommodate for foreigners, but here it is normal to have signs in translation or to be multilingual. I never thought I could learn so much in my short stay here. Tomorrow is Berlin, I'm ready for a new adventure!

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