Monday, July 23, 2012

With Love from Prague

Prague was an adventure unlike any other. Let me start by telling you about the best hostel in all of Europe Sir Tobys. Sir Tobys is not like staying in any other hostel or hotel. It is like moving in with 50 other people in your same situation and having a once in a lifetime adventure with them. The staff feels like you are talking to your best friend and are overly welcoming. When we pulled into Sir Tobys I felt like I was home. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to travel to Prague no matter their age or situation.
The city is breathtaking. We went on a free walking tour of the city and learned a little bit about everything. The Jewish Quarter was an especially interesting area of Prague. I had never heard of it before and was confused about its perfect condition after World War II. Come to find out, this area was kept up during Hitler’s rule to be a museum about the extinct race. Luckily this never happened. I also learned that Prague had everything that could have prevented World War II, but the action was not implemented. It is crazy to think the world’s history could be so different if maybe one person had made a different decision. 
Overall Prague was amazing and I loved it. Not top on my list to come back to, but it was a great experience and I am glad I had the opportunity to experience it. 

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