Monday, July 23, 2012

Viennese Princess

The week in Vienna is finally over. There were a couple of things I didn’t get accomplished this week. Among these were not meeting my Viennese Prince, and hiring Café Demel to work at my apartment. But I can always go back to do that. We did so much in a short amount of time! Let me just make a list of all the things we got to do:
·      Medical History Walk with Dr. Wasser
·      Museum of Vienna
·      St. Stephan’s Cathedral
·      Tour of the Catacombs
·      Siegmund Freud Museum and Lecture with Dr. Wasser
·      Vienna Medical School Lecture Professor Marz
·      Federal Pathologic Anatomical Museum
·      Josephinum, Collection of Anatomical and Obstetric Wax Models
·      Concert of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony
·      Natural History Museum
AMAZING! Everything was just crazy cool. Dr. Wasser knew so much about everything so it was like getting an insiders view. The neatest part for me was seeing how much I missed the first time I came to Vienna. When I was here before it was all about hitting the most famous attractions and shopping. I had no idea there was so much history here. Each corner withheld new and interesting information I would have never known about.
Professor Marz almost talked me into going to medical school in Vienna that is crazy since it is the opposite of Vet School in the US. The way the Vienna Medical School works is very intriguing and seems to me to be a great way to learn. It uses a lot of practical application, which is how I learn the best.
The Catacombs tour under the St. Stephan’s Cathedral was a little creepy. It is weird to know that there is a skull with in arms reach. That normally wouldn’t freak me out if it were in a pathology department or something. The fact we were walking through the graves and the skull was lying like that because that is the way the body decomposed was very weird. In areas where victims of the Plague were dumped, there were literally piles of bone.
Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. Or should I say one of the best concerts I have been to. We listened to a little bit of Mozart and Beethoven. The musicians were wonderful and it was a beautiful way to top of a good day of learning. It also made me appreciate where I was, what I was doing, and where my life was going. Sometimes those moments of reality just hit you, and this was a great one.
We even got to sneak in a visit to Sand in the City! When I was in Vienna before, my sister and I always went to Sand in the City in the evenings. It was a great place to hang out. No one had heard of it and I was worried it was a summer fling I had and that I couldn’t go back to. With the help of my dad and our wonderful coordinator Olivia we found it and got to enjoy it one evening. I didn’t realize before but it is a local hangout. It is cool when you get to be a local instead of the tourist.
I love Vienna. It is my favorite place so far. I even got to light a candle in St. Stephan’s for my Mimi. That being said, I am ready to get back to Bonn. I miss my European hometown and my European family. See ya soon

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