Monday, July 16, 2012

The First of Many

The first free weekend was a success! The whole group traveled together to Munich. Munich was completely different from what I imagined. I was expecting a very busy city center full of beer joints…not correct at all. Yes this is where October Fest is held, but it wasn’t a city of only beer joints. There were a lot of cool things that didn’t include alcohol. 
BMW is based out of Munich. There is a giant BMW Museum full of their cars and other cool products. It was amazing. In our journey to the Museum we got very lost, but it ended up working out to our advantage. We came across a basketball court, but the court was raised a different levels. Almost like it was a court drawn onto a little section of hills. We also came across some type of car festival. Audi, Mercedes, and BMW, all had huge booths modeling their cars and giving away free stuff. The only downfall to the day was the rain. We walked everywhere and everything was outside so we were soaking wet. What is it that Munich is known for again? Oh yeah, the Hofbrauhaus!! Yes, yes we went to the Hofbrauhaus and had a beer. They only serve liters so I split mine with Sarah and Mikaela. A liter is way too much for me! The Hofbrauhaus was an experience of a lifetime, but after one drink we got the heck out of there. It was definitely a tourist trap. We went across to Augustiner another beer hall, but a bit more local. I loved this place. Good food and good drinks lead us to have a wonderful night.
The weekend was full of hilarious moments. Including Caleb getting pooped on by a bird. It was pretty funny since it was the beginning of the day. Luckily it rained all day so it was kind of like a free wash haha. We also had “Bavarian Princesses” return to us after part of the group split off to see the Neuschwanstein Castle one day.
Now we are on the train to Vienna. I am so excited for the beautiful city of Vienna. This has to be the best part of my weekend because I am sitting across the aisle from a nice lady from Budapest traveling with her dog. Lets refer to him as “Christopher” because his real name is not school appropriate. He is adorable. Christopher just makes me want a bulldog even more than I already do. The train ride into Vienna is breath taking. We went straight through the middle of Salzburg. It was gorgeous and is definitely on my bucket list. I am so excited for the adventures of this upcoming week!

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