Monday, August 22, 2011

week 4

Monday morning/afternoon
We arrived in Wein around lunch time. We didn’t have any troubles finding the hotel. (Hotel Deutchmaster) the name cracked everyone up, idk if it was just because we were tired or what. Once inside we saw our room and were like thank God! After staying in hostels/uncomfortable conditions we were finally able to relax. For me I just wanted a clean towel which was larger than a wash cloth. We all unpacked and set off to go get some food. We walked around for a good 20 minutes until we finally decided to get pizza and a waffle. Not a great combo but none the less. Once Neils and Dr. Wasser got there we took a city tour which was really nice. The architecture in Wein is wonderful. I was really impressed by it. We saw various things including the plague tower and the Spanish riding school. I personally couldn’t appreciate it as much as some of the others just because I didn’t know about it before hand or know how much work went into training these horses to do certain things.
Today we started our day off with a medical history walk lead by Dr. Wasser. I enjoyed it but was a little tired still. I think that even though I finally got some sleep I need more. We got to see many things in Wein and the amount of medical history amazed me. After getting lunch at Aida a coffee shop where I had my first Viennese coffee mélange (macchiato with whipped cream) we set off for Simgond Freud’s house. It was cool to see where Freud worked and also to be in a place where someone of his importance worked. I was upset that we didn’t get to have lecture in Sigmond Freud’s house but I guess things happen.

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