HI! My name is Shannon Skinner, and I'm a senior BIMS major from Colleyville. This summer I have been teaching cheerleading camps, and taking a class that requires me to leave my house at 6:30 every morning. It has been quite thrilling. It seems like a lot of my friends have studied abroad recently, but nobody goes to Germany. It's most likely because Germany requires very cool/smart people like ourselves to live in their country for five weeks. I have never been to Europe, and am so excited to travel and live like Europeans for a while. The nervousness kind of set in last night as I was trying to plan the whole traveling on weekends ordeal. I was picturing myself in a busy train station, trying to figure everything out, and hoping to not end up on the wrong train by myself. That would be scary. I ended up getting the Eurail flexipass which is for the "fly by the seat of your pants" individual...this is not me, but I am willing to try. My mom got me an Instant Immersion German book which I have read a few pages from hoping it would instantly immerse me...but so far all I've retained is how to say "I'm Hungry." I figured it was nearly one of the most important phrases. Through this trip I hope to better understand the different European cultures. I also am so happy to be sharing this experience with a bunch of people that I don't know now, but am sure to know very well by the end of the trip. I think the last two issues that I need to conquer before leaving in a week are packing, and deciding whether I should take Tylenol PM before getting on the plane. I'll see everyone soon!
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