Well...I can't believe that in one week at this time I'll be sitting in the airport waiting impatiently for the plane. My name is Leslie Whelan and I am from Kerrville, TX (right in the middle of the hill country). I am a junior BIMS major and have been looking forward to this trip for the past year. As of my now, my plan is to go to medical school but as far as "what I want to be" is concerned....I'm not quite sure. I have been overseas once before and have been dying to go back ever since. I did not have the opportunity to visit Germany so this will definitely be a completely new experience for me. One reason I am so excited about returning to Europe is because I love their way of life. I feel like everyone over there has a different mindset about life than the way we view and live life in America. It seems so laid back to me & everything runs at a much slower pace. Well, maybe not with the World Cup going on... Anyway, I have a very independent personality, and have no problem at all with doing things by myself or on my own. Don't get me wrong, I truly value all of my friends, and my family is some of the most important people in my life, but being on my own doesn't bother me at all. I also tend to be very organized and prefer to have my life planned out (which is obviously impossible to do), so going on trips like this forces me to just plan as I go and be a lot more spontaneous and unstructured.
I am looking forward to getting to know everyone, and I have no doubt in my mind that this will be a life changing experience. I have a test and a final this week, and I am having the hardest time ever motivating myself to study. All that has been going through my head for the past couple of days is how much I need to do before I leave to prepare and pack and all that great stuff. I'll see everyone soon...
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