Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week In Berlin

So The last week in the program is completed and over with! I will make this short.
     The most memorable event of Berlin was my trip to the victory tower, the trip to the concentration camp, and the dinner on the last night.
     To start with the victory tower, I saw this on the bus tour and I saw this statue and it amazed me how beautiful it looked! I told myself I HAVE TO go see this! So I went to the statue and walked up. the midsection showed a story of Germania the warrier woman who embodies Germany. I then walked to the top which was a good exercise. When I got to the top I saw an amazing view of the city in 360 degrees. I then walked back down and went into the park and took something of a nap in the middle of it.
    The trip to SH (Sachsanhausen) was very interesting. This was my first time going into a concentration  camp. It felt like history was alive there and it felt strang watching the gate that said work makes you free as I walked passed it. Basically I was very shocked at how much pain and suffering they put these people threw. I did not know that SH would be in such low condition. The day was a very interesting day for me.
    Lastly the goodbye dinner was nice. I went in and was suprised at how mediocre the resturant was as a I walked in. The resturant appeared to be more like a common resturant vs. how fancy it was described as but the food was delicious. I very much enjoyed the food and I loved it. I am happy we got to go. I felt sad leaving my family there...
     some final notes. I am so greatful for dr. wasser on this trip. He was very informative and made the trip a lot of fun. My favorite place was norderny. Thank you for everything and goodnight

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