Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Final days in Bonn

It's hard to describe the mixed emotions I am feeling about leaving Bonn this past week. Part of me is happy because I have this finality that means I am only closer to being home with chipotle, tex-mex, and whataburger while the other part of me feels this sadness knowing this amazing experience is coming to an end. One of the hardest decisions I had to make while I was finishing up in Bonn was where the heck I should eat. Knowing that I had a limited number of days left in Germany this along with what drinks to order was an important topic that must not be overlooked in my humble opinion. I highly doubt that for the next year I will find one kolsch back in the US.
The last week in Bonn, when in relation to the program, I would have to say was by far and away my favorite. Just last week we were brought to the Bonn Medical Center, part of the university, and had the opportunity to scrub up and sit in on any type of surgery that we wanted to. When they first told us this I was in somewhat disbelief or thought that there would be a catch and we would be viewing from an observation deck. When I say that I was literally leaning over the open chest of a man undergoing a triple bypass, that is not an exaggeration. Possibly the most amazing experience during this entire trip. The hip replacement and the thoracic scare tissue removal were pretty cool to. Dr. Wasser and Olivia really out did themselves.
The other day we also got to go on a cruise up the Rhine, from Bergen up the river and visit one of the oldest castles to be had there (Rhinefells Castle). It took up until the last week to appreciate just how rich with history the Rhine valley is. On Monday all the pre-vet students were having a field day, literally, when we received a behind the scenes tour of the Cologne Zoo from possibly the two coolest tour guides that I have ever met. During this tour I fed two fully grown giraffes out of my hand, received an exclusive tour of the elephant enclosure while getting to meet their biggest bull Bindu, and got to explore a whole new host of experiences in the zoo with these animals. There could not have been a better way to finish off my time in the Rhine Valley... to ROMA!

ps. if ever in Cologne there is a burrito place called Bay City Burritos owned by a Texan, a must visit!!

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