Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Then came our free weekend! Our group decided to take a seven-hour train ride to Munich.  We arrived around 1:00 am to find out that the buses did not run to our hotel that late so the group had to walk probably two miles with luggage to the hotel.  After having to make a pit stop at the police station to get Max’s wallet the next day, we decided to go to a concentration camp near by.  While the camp has been mostly destroyed, Dachau gave you an instant feeling of sorrow.  Dachau was not an extermination camp but many were lost there. The museum was placed inside the main processing center for the camp where they received, cleaned, and took inventory of the prisoners.  Most of our time at the camp was spent looking at the many things within the museum.  These objects ranged from pictures, bowls, spoons, punishing tables, and even the identification cards for many prisoners.  The rest of the remains of the camp were a crematorium, guards’ houses (which people currently live in), guard towers, and sleeping quarters for the prisoners.  Seeing an actual concentration camp is definitely one of those things in life that I will never forget!  After a long and depressing trip through the concentration camp, the group decided to visit a beer hall where we indulged in dinner and many beers.  My advice to anyone going to Germany is to spend a couple of days in Munich; it was worth every penny spent to get there. 

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