Thursday, January 17, 2013


Munich was by far my favorite city, our train pulled in around midnight and we caught the last tram to the hotel, but unfortunately the bus was done running for the night, so we had to walk the mile and a half to our hotel. The next day we went to Dachau which was the creepiest place I have even been to in my life, you could just feel the evil in the land. The creepiest part of it all was the crematorium to just know that they killed so many people and burned them there was almost impossible to think of. After leaving we headed towards the beer halls, which had some of the best beer I had ever tasted in my life. I miraculously drank 3 whole liters of it. Nothing to terribly exciting happened on sunday because absolutely everything was closed. It made it very difficult to do anything other than wait at our train station for our bus to arrive. But the Saturday night was so much fun!

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