Friday, August 20, 2010

Banging out in Berlin

Aug 2-4

This was the last week with the group in Berlin. We started by hopping on a train from Bonn and Elsie saw that Matt had a big hole in his jacket so she took it upon herself to sew up his jacket as a project to do on the train. When we got to Berlin we headed to Hotel Alex (awesome breakfast by the way) and from there we went on a bike tour around Berlin and saw where the Berlin wall stood. Then the Reichstag, Hitler's bunker and then the Holocaust memorial where it brought feelings of uneasiness and fearfulness just walking around. The next day we went to Sachsenhausen where we saw the German concept of timeliness (the train was delayed by over an hour), but when we got there the site was awesome and the guide could literally answer any question asked to him. Then we went and ate lunch (I ate at Subway) and went to visit Checkpoint Charlie and the museum of terror (which was one of my favorite exhibits throughout the trip). The next day was spent visiting the Max Delbruck center where we got to see all of the newest technology for surgeons and how to make conferencing with other doctors much easier. While the walking tour was sub-par I think it was due to it being his first time giving a tour. Then we spent some time at the Otto Bock center for prosthetic limbs and this is where I think I would love to work at if medicine doesn't pan out.

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