Monday, December 31, 2007

Blogger Difficulties Resolve!!

Yay! blogger finally worked for me! yesterday was a blast. i am loving berlin! I think I like the New York feel it has. I was really excited about last night because we finally found something to do as a group that everyone enjoyed. We went to a jazz club called b-flat and it was a good way to relax before the intense silvester. Though we did have a little bit of trouble with the motion sensored revolving door! I think we have mastered the transportation here in Berlin which makes it nice to be able to move around without looking like blatant tourists. We visitied the Berlin wall last night which was really neat, but I think I would like to see it in the daylight. The hotel amelie is apartment style and I really like that since we are going to be here for a week because I feel more at home rather than a hotel style. Well the daylight is wasting and I want to explore more of Berlin!

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