Thursday, July 01, 2010


Welp, it's the night before I'm scheduled to fly out of Houston for Amsterdam and I am QUITE excited! In the last few months the scale between "nervous" and "excited" has shifted more to the excited side. We've got all our weekends in for the most part, I'm looking at my bags semi packed now (just some toiletries..don't worry!) and remembered this blog! Good timing I know :)

Anywho, I suppose I shall tell you all my hopes and dreams of the trip. This is my first trip outside of the US if you don't count a cozy cruise ship and I want to see and learn really neat things but I feel like that's understood and it's rather inevitable. Ironically my way to prepare my mind for my first for the trip is to Google image random cities we're going to and look at the pictures tourists have taken before me. Speaking of cameras I actually packed mine, which says a lot because I don't take pictures often. Then again I suppose this is an expected "life changing" event.

The one thing I kinda want to be true of what I've heard of Germany is that the food isn't too tasty. This is a good thing to me because lately I've been taking in as much american food I can (because I know I'll miss it) so cutting back on the food intake would be ideal. Lame, I know, but who wants to be a fat kid in Europe?!..ok well that was shallow of me to say. Lets see if that changes while I'm in Europe. haha

K well this is getting really long. I know I'm gonna miss my family and friends a lot but I'm looking forward to learning about other cultures and seeing pretty sights! to you soon!

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