Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Visit of Concentration Camp

The cold snow lay all around us, as we made our way through the Sachenhausen concentration camp. I felt a heavy silence overtake me and my mood became solemn. My thoughts wondered to WW2 and the atrocities done against humanity. I think about how I don’t understand how these things can happen. How can human beings hurt one another so cruelly? How does the world allow such actions to occur? I don’t understand, we live in such a beautiful world yet we leave behind such horrible legacies. We walked through the buildings which used to be a hospital. We learn about the people, so called “doctors” and how they conducted research on prisoners, and how they cold bloodedly killed people through neglect. All the while I realize how cold it is, and I wonder how must have all of the imprisoned people have felt, starved, sick, and certainly not clothed for the harsh winters of Germany.
Jan 7, 2011

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