Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pre Departure Post

Howdy y’all and Merry Christmas,

I am thoroughly excited for the trip now that it is a mere twenty eight hours away. It seems like just yesterday that we went to our first orientation meeting, and now were about to hop on a plane for a ten hour flight. I have had my backpack packed since Tuesday because I had to take it to Dallas to spend Christmas with the family. I will have to make a few adjustments to it later tonight, but it is mostly ready to go.

One of the things I am most anxious for is the flight. I have never really liked flying, mainly because I am not in control of the vehicle doing the flying. But normally once the plane takes off I just sit back and enjoy the view. This will be the longest flight that I have ever been on, as most of my flights were from San Antonio to Denver which last only about two hours, technically one if you are going to Denver. The other thing that I am worried about is jet lag. I do not quite know what to do, stay up for the flight and hit the ground running like it’s a normal morning, or attempt to get minimal sleep on the flight and do the same once we get. That will be more of a spur of the moment decision rather than a meticulously calculated one.

I am really looking forward to seeing a new continent and many new cultures. I have been out of the country before, but never to a non English speaking country, so that will definitely be different. My German is very limited I can say hello, beer, and do you speak English, but that’s about it. And my Czech and Danish encompass much less than that. I am not to worried about this however, and figure that being friendly and seeking out help will also work. None the less, here we go.

See y’all tomorrow in Houston.

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